Stop Stopping

Stop Stopping

I often talk with clients and in workshops about the “success formula” Napoleon Hill shares in his 1935 classic, Think and Grow Rich: Set...

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Awareness is Part of the Cure

Awareness is Part of the Cure

By now, you’ve been working on implementing that plan to make 2021 a great year at your organization.  But inevitably, while you’re trying...

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The Path

The ideas here and, admittedly, a lot of the language, have been borrowed from my friend, colleague, and sometimes mentor, author Steve...

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You Lost Me At “Hello”

I was calling a client of mine, Bill Peterson. Bill is the managing partner of a 50-person accounting firm. The phone rang seven times, so...

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Serve…and Grow Rich

Serve…and Grow Rich

A few years ago, my friend and colleague, coach and author Steve Chandler, wrote this: “Most people try to move toward wealth in...

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Work Ethic

Work Ethic

The death of Kobe Bryant at 41 in that helicopter crash a few months ago was a tragedy. He was someone to be admired in so many ways and...

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